We already know how to use Finding Fields Templates and how to adjust the details of Findings in a project, but this time we are going further, exactly to creating our own custom finding fields.
To do so, first we will use Finding Fields Templates and second we link the Project with this template. Let's see how it works.
1. Go to Finding Fields and edit an existing template or create a new one. We are going to create a new Finding Fields Template
2. Let's stay on the Vulnerability type and click New Field in the category: Recommendations
There are different possibilities for the type of the custom field. Basically you can create up to 5 Text type, 5 Multitexts, 5 Dropdowns and 5 Multiselects fields per Finding Field Template. As an example, we have chosen Multiselect and added three options.
3. Once the field is saved, it is by default not visible. You can edit, make visible or delete any custom field. The system's fields are able to adjust the visibility only. A not-visible field will not be displayed in the Finding details.
4. Let's select any project now and make sure it uses the Finding Field Template you have created
5. Create a new finding type Vulnerability or edit an existing one and check the Recommendations section. You will see and fill the custom field beyond others. Save the changes
Feel free to add new custom fields, adjust name, type and visibility to make your own Findings Templates.
Finding Custom Fields API, Import/Export
As seen when create the custom fields, there is a field named Code. By default the Code is the custom field name but without spaces or strange chars - you can rename it if you want.
This property is going to be used:
- as Column name when export findings in Excel and CVS;
- as a node per the custom field when export findings in XML and through API;
- to match data when importing an Excel, CSV or XML file with findings.