Project fields allow you to add data to your project and pentest templates. Cyver Core offers numerous integrated fields for our Pentest Templates. For example, you can set basic fields like Project Title, Project Status, Default Team, labels, etc.
These fields allow you to sort pentests and projects in the template view, in the pentest view, and when running pentests.
With Custom Project Fields, you can add your own fields to categorize, sort, and filter pentests, as templates and when running pentests.
Let’s get started!
Create Custom Project Fields
1. From Settings, go to Pentest Templates
2. Click Project Custom Fields
3. Select Manage Custom Fields
4. Click + Custom Field
5. Set a Display Name. This should be short and easy to display in a column view. This is how your Custom Field will look across the platform.
6. Select a field type. Cyver Core currently offers 4 types of Custom Project Fields. You may add up to 5 of each Custom Project Field Type.
- Text Field (Ideal for short text fields)
- Multitext (ideal for larger and formatted text fields)
- Dropdown (Select one of a pre-defined selection of choices)
- Multiselect (Select one or more of a pre-defined selection of choices)
7. Choose if this Field should show up in the Client Portal and be visible to Clients.
8. Select if your new custom field should show up in Project Grid Filters. You can always change this later.
9. Click Save
That’s it! You’ve created a new Custom Project Field!
Is your Project Custom Field not showing up? Check visibility settings? You can set all custom fields to be visible with the Master Toggle on the Manage Project Custom Fields tab. Don't forget to hit save!
Adding Custom Project Fields to Pentest Templates
1. From the Pentest Template menu, select the Pentest Template you want to edit
2. Select the ... menu and click Edit or Click through to the Pentest Template and click Edit from Actions
3. Click Custom Fields
4. Select the Custom Fields you’d like to see on the Pentest Template
5. Click Save
6. Your Custom Field will be present in any new Pentest you start with this Pentest Template
That's it! If you need any more help setting up or using Custom Project Fields for your pentest templates, reach out and we'll be happy to help!