Images come into play across your pentest reports, findings, evidence, and projects. With Image Captions, you can add image descriptions to use across your project - allowing you to build faster reports and descriptions because images already include the information they need.
Images can be added:
- When you upload findings
- As evidence
- In reports
- In files
How to Add Image Captions
You can add image captions from the image gallery:
Pentest Projects
1. Navigate to Pentests from the menu
2. Select the project you'd like to add an image caption to
3. Select Files from the Pentest menu
4. Click Image Gallery from the Files dashboard
You can also add images from any finding. To do so, start from the Findings menu or from the pentest project, on the findings submenu.
1. Select the finding you'd like to edit
2. Click Edit
3. From the Description Section, use the Image icon to access the Image Gallery
Report Editor
1. From the relevant pentest project, go to Report
2. Click Editor
3. Click the Image Icon in the editor menu to access the Image Gallery
Add Image Captions
From the Image Gallery:
1. Click ... next to the image you'd like to edit and select Set Image Caption
2. Type your image caption
3. Click Save
The image caption will show up across all instances of the image in the project. If your image is already included in reports, you should re-generate them to show image captions.
Your image will show up like this in the report:
Images are unique per project. This means your image gallery will only be available on that project, ensuring you don't accidentally share confidential information outside of that project. Therefore, if you're reusing images across projects, you'll have to re-upload them for each project.