Clients can be managed from the Cyver Core dashboard and from the “Clients” tab on the left-hand menu.
Onboarding Clients
Cyver Core offers a full Client portal, which will display your branding as uploaded in the first step of this tutorial. Clients can interact with your organization, communicate with Pentester Users, and request pentests.
1. Click “Clients” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “+ New Client”
3. Add Client Name and Client Number. Client Number can be from your existing invoicing or other client management system
4. Click the Client Name you’ve just added from the list.
5. Click "Users" in the Client Tab
6. Click “New User”
7. Add user information. The Client will receive an email with an invite to the portal when you hit “Save”. The new user will have a “Client” role in the system.
Client Information
When you create a Client Account, you create a Username, customer number, and add any information that you like to the account. The Client cannot see the Customer Number.
You can also choose to add information to the Client Account.
1. Click “Clients” in the left-hand menu
2. Click the Client you want to edit
3. Select, “Information” on the Client Tab
4. Click “Edit”
You can set:
- Business Name
- Website
- Address
- Contacts (e.g., main, compliance, technical, etc.) These roles are important for notifications.
Once the client logs in, they can update this data at any time. They cannot update their client number.
Managing Clients
You can update, change an account, or cancel client projects at any time from an Admin account.
Create Client
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click “+ New Client” in the upper right corner
- Fill in the Client name and User number
- Open the new Client from the list and edit any other details you’d like.
Click here for more on setting up Client accounts.
Delete Client:
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click on the Client you’d like to manage. Cyver Core offers a full search function, with username, name, and customer number supported
- Click “Action” in the top right, and select “Delete”
- One popup will confirm this deletion. You cannot recover this data
Edit Client Username or Client Number
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click “...” on the right-hand side of the Client name
- Click “Edit”
- Update the Client Name and Client Number
Edit Client Data and Contacts
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click on the Client you’d like to manage. Cyver Core offers a full search function, with username, name, and customer number supported
- Click “Information”
- Click “Edit” in the left-hand corner of the client tab
- Update data. Importantly, the Client can update this information at will
- Click Save
Edit Client Users
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click on the Client you’d like to manage. Cyver Core offers a full search function, with username, name, and customer number supported
- Click “Users” in the Client Tab
- Click “+ New User”
- Add data. The User will receive an email address with a platform invite
- The User can update all their data. However, the User will remain linked to the Client
Deactivate Users
- Click “Clients” on the left-hand menu
- Click on the client you’d like to manage. Cyver Core offers a full search function, with username, name, and customer number supported
- Click “Users” in the Client Tab
- Click “...” on the User you want to edit
- Uncheck “Active” on the User Popup
- Click “Save”
Click here to learn how to manage Client Assets.