Assets include websites, apps, APIs, and other elements which you might want your Pentester to assess. You should add these Assets before starting your first Pentest.
1. Click “Settings” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “Assets”
3. Select the “+ New Asset” button from the upper right
4. Add an Asset Title. Asset TItles should be descriptive and unique
5. Add a description.
- E.g., “Primary website for Cyver Core, consisting of 27 pages and 19 subdomains”
6. Add Information and Asset Type
Select Asset Type. In this case “Website”. Cyver Core offers 6 categorization options:
- Website
- Web Application
- Mobile Application
- Network
- Other
These categories are designed to help you manage large numbers of Assets. They also help your Pentester to more easily determine what you’re asking for when you request an edit.
Congratulations, you’re now ready to set up your first Pentest. Click here to learn how.