You can add your team to the Cyver Core portal at any time. Team members can be assigned to projects, assigned as stakeholders, and given permissions to start and approve projects.
Create New User
1. Click “Settings” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “Users”
3. Click the “+ New User” button in the upper right
4. Add the User name and contact information
5. Click “Save”
Edit User
1. Click “Settings” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “Users”
3. Click “...” on the User you wish to edit
4. Click “Edit”
5. Update data
6. Click “Save”
Delete User
1. Click “Settings” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “Users”
3. Click “...” on the User you wish to edit
4. Click “Delete”
5. Confirm Deletion. This cannot be undone.
Pause User Access
1. Click “Settings” in the left-hand menu
2. Click “Users”
3. Click “...” on the User you wish to edit
4. Click “Edit”
5. Scroll down and Uncheck “Active”
6. Click “Save”