On the Finding Fields tab, except creating the Custom Finding Fields, there is possible to create your own vulnerability types and to manage Finding Statuses.
Finding Fields - Vulnerability Types
On the Vulnerability Types menu you will see at first the list of the default vulnerability types. These ones can be visible/not visible, but you can not rename or delete. Not visible Vulnerability Types won't display on the respective field.
On the other hand, you can add new vulnerability type on your own. These custom vulnerability types can be renamed, visible/not visible and deleted.
All the visible Vulnerability Types managed in the menu as above, will be listed in the Vulnerability Type(s) Finding Field when edit an existing Finding or add a new one.
In case that you are using a Finding Field Template, make sure this field is visible, so you can use it as a finding detail.
Finding Fields - Finding Statuses
Managing Finding Status means to customize it by making it visible or nor and set in Client Portal or not set.
Visible - When a status is Visible, you can change a finding to that status. Non visible statuses, can not be selected as a finding status.
Set in Client Portal - When a status is set in client portal, it means that the Client can see the Findings with this status. If not, you as a Pentester can use this status, but the Client won't see the Findings. Only Open and Closed type of Statuses can be set in client portal.
Feel free to manage Findings in the Pentester Portal and Client Portal by customizing finding statuses.
Finding Fields - Other Settings
Edit Settings to change the finding sequence number per portal level and allow or not the finding code to be duplicated. This is allowed by default, but you can always change it here.