Cyver Core uses Workflows to help you track work across projects, share project updates and status transparently with clients, and estimate workloads and schedules across your team.
Workflows start with Workflow Templates, where you define a list of Tasks, link them to Project Status, and assign tasks to Pentester or Client Users and Teams. When a Task is completed, the Workflow automatically moves forward, notifies anyone assigned to the next Task, and updates the project Status.
To get started, you can either use one of the default Workflow templates that come with your Cyver Core portal or set up your own.
Setting up a New Workflow Template
Your Workflow Template is the basis of setting up a new Workflow. When you create a Pentest Template, you'll add your Workflow Template and that will automatically generate the Workflow for all new projects created with that template.
To get started:
1. Click Settings from the Cyver Core Menu
2. Go to Workflow Templates
3. Click + New Workflow Template
4. Add a Workflow Template Name and Description. These should be searchable and identifiable. E.g., "MITRE ATT&CK"
5. Select which Team manages the Template
6. Click Save
You'll add tasks to your Workflow in the next step.
Adding or Editing Tasks on an Existing Workflow Template
Once you have a Workflow template, you can start creating Tasks.
1. Open the Workflow you'd like to edit
2. Click Workflow tasks in the Workflow menu
3. Select + New Workflow Template Task
4. Set Workflow Details
- Task Name
- Task Description
- Role (Client, Pentester)
- Link a Status (Requested, Proposal, Scheduled, Onboarding, Testing, Reporting, Remediation, On Hold, Completed, Cancelled)
- Set Task Priority if you have more than one task linked to the same Status.
- Set a Default Task Completed Notification
- Set Next Step after Task Completion. You can either Navigate to a Next Destination or Show a Popup with a completion message if the next Task is for another Team or User. You can automatically navigate to up to 10 different areas of the portal after completing a task.
- Set whether this task is visible to the Client or not. This means it will be visible in the Client Portal as a next step of the project. Clients will see it in the workflow and will see associated Status updates.
- Assign the Task to a Project Role (Project Lead, Reviewer Lead, Team Lead) This will automatically assign the task
- Set days to complete the Task to generate an automatic due date. E.g., 14 days means a due date will be calculated 2 weeks from the completion of the last Task
- Don't forget to hit Save
You can edit these steps at any point by navigating to the Workflow Template menu and editing the Workflow.
How Do You Assign Workflow Tasks to Roles?
You assign workflow tasks by editing the Task under the Workflow. From there, you can scroll down to Assign to and then select the role you'd like to assign the task to.
When you set up your Pentest Project Template, you'll assign individual team members to those roles. Those team members will be assigned these tasks when they are in those roles on a Pentest Project made with this workflow.
How Do You Calculate Workflow Deadlines?
Cyver calculates due dates based on number of days from start of the Task. This means that the timer starts when the previous Task is completed and the Task Assignee receives a notification that they have a Task due.
To edit Due Date, go to the Task and edit it. Scroll to the bottom and add a numerical value. This should be the number of days it takes to complete the task.
Keep in mind your deadline should account for maximum number of days to complete the task rather than average number of days to complete the task to ensure your team can finish on time.
You'll see this data from the pentest, in planning, and in individual agendas and availability.
If you'd like to learn more about using Workflow Templates, go to Workflows for more information.